DISClive is a live music discovery platform. Users can search artists they love, find artists that are similar, and see if any of those similar artists are playing shows near them. This project was built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This app was created to help to inspire game masters, artists, and players in the endeavor of character creation and design. Each lifeform will be generated with a random backstory, physical description, and list of abilities!
Robot Gladiators was the first lesson we worked on during bootcamp that walked us through using vanilla JavaScript to build a game. The user is able to choose to fight or skip a battle, as well as buy items from a store.
Weather Dashboard is an application to find a weather condition of a given city for both the current and 5-Days forecast. The server-side API used to get response data objects is retrieved from the Open Weather API.
This is a quiz application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This application emphasizes the use of JavaScript to provide quiz questions and collect user data to determine whether the answers to a question are correct and generates a score that appends to a high score page.
Search Engine
This project is a web application that uses GitHub's API to search for open source projects with open issues and pull requests. This applications uses the browser's Fetch API to communicate with the server.